
Yesterday on our second walk which was to tide the pups over so I could go ride, Wy and Smudgee had an all out brawl. I had let Smudgee go first, then Wy and before I could release Pix, they were going at it very viciously. Wyatt ended up with two punctures on his front left leg. The one he had previously been bitten on. It is a good thing Smudgee has a bad bite or it would have been a lot worse. Wyatt got Smudgee under the chin. We have Zero Tolerance implemented now.

She has been watching her P's and Q's. Pixie had the look of "Who's the good dog now?". Wyatt is not too happy to be back in the balloon collar.

Josie is doing well with her shoes off. I have been putting iodine on to toughen up her soles and luckily the ground has been soft. I lunged her in the round pen and she had a good time kicking up her heels. I am glad I decided to lunge instead of ride her bareback.

The other night (Tuesday) as we were drifting off to sleep, Wyatt began trembling and then rocking side to side. He had a fearful look on his face. I did my best to remain calm while inside my head I was freaking out. He didn't go into a full out and out seizure but this lasted for a couple of minutes. I am calling it an episode. I set him on the floor and held him. He returned to normal very quickly. This was so frightening. I can't remember for sure but want to say something like this happened when he was two or so. Another thing to keep track of and mention at his next check up.

Thanksgiving turned into a fun time as N came up to visit P, my neighbor. We played cards and dice games. I had a wonderful ride on Josie. I would ask and bam! I had it.

Dr. B's fund raiser was Saturday night. They made a lot of money but I am sure it didn't put a dent in the cost of chemo and radiation. I so hope he is the one out of four. As I sat watching him, his children and girlfriend, tears welled up in my eyes. I do not deeply care for a lot of people but he has a spot in my heart.

Things are getting tighter and tighter. I really wish an employer would give me a chance. Still waiting to be assigned a counselor for HIRED.

No agility this past weekend but the weekend before Smudgee was beyond awesome! She took all the jumps in a row and with a little assistance began staying on the dog walk.

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