No kennel cough!

Due to kennel cough, Smudgee and I were the only students for agility last Saturday. We did a lot of really good work. I have to remember she is not a tall dog and keep my hand down a bit. She sure did enjoy being the only dog. No waiting for the next dog to go. Her weaves were nice after the first snafu. We have started naming "bottom" (this will be the command to stop at the contacts of the teeter, a-frame and dog walk) and she is really doing well. I could see her hesitate and begin to offer even when we ask her to. She is one smart dog! This could work for or against me.

I spent the last week silently praying she would not get ill. They all had it last Spring. Kennel cough is Bordetella and they all were given an update at our last visit.

Waking this morning, joyous joy! Still not sick. We are on! All was well until we went to do the weaves. Just not a good day for weaves. It was nice that none of the dogs were perfect. Smudgee is blazing fast. We did a tunnel, two jumps, me racing to beat her so I could do a front cross to take her through a star of jumps. The star work we did last week paid off and we did them very well.

Living the dream . . .

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