Well, hello old friend . . . I have missed you!

Days are shorter and much cooler. Averaging 10k steps a day. Did another 5K, November 2 and beat my time that I did before in das boot!

Smudgie and Wyatt are for the most part getting a long. Wyatt had a puncture wound from a trail ride excursion that went bad a half mile out. Smudgie did not like Wyatt happy body and let him know it. Poor Wy guy, well, that is what I thought until the scabs starting coming off Smudgie. He gives almost as much as he gets.

Coal had barely any air coming out when the fan was at 4. Guess who's warranty had expired in June? Yes, that would be mine. Oh, well I have heat now :)  This is most important when living in Minnesota and winter coming on.

For the past two weeks I have been working at home - LOVE IT! The dogs settled in by the afternoon of the first day. They get the bedroom and I have the downstairs. Bought a very nice chair after one day in my kitchen chairs. Left hip said oh hell no! This week I am in the office for lovely hotshot.

Josie is being her usual wonderful self. I make it out on the weekends and we just pick up where we left off. The last few rides we have shared a beer afterwards. Love my drinkin' buddy!

I have made much progress in the Feng Sh (whatever)ing of my home. I think we have room for weaves poles in the living room. Hanging onto the couch for now but that might be going. I have culled out a lot of clothes - faced the fact that I won't be that size ever again. Hard to handle but oh well. I am getting older. Need to sell some breeches which should help offset the bill I am working on.

Getting to continue agility on Thursdays. Smudgie did her weaves correctly without any practice.

Gonna cut this short. Will try to be better about writing. It takes a while to get one's shit together. Hoping I can keep it that way.

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