
I missed out on a really nice week due to a horrible cold. Saturday, I rode and had a wonderful ride. We are getting it!

Saturday evening I enjoyed the First Annual Rib Fest with my cool town home neighbors and Sunday I felt like I was dying. I had smartly cancelled my trot poles lesson as I figured I would have the beer flu. I felt horrible, my skin hurt, the nose was running and my throat was sore. I laid up all day resting. I knew I couldn't call in sick as there were huge moves happening. Tuesday I also had to be there for more moves. I dosed up on Nyquil each night by Wednesday morning I was not able to wake. I think I turned the alarm off instead of hitting snooze. I woke at 7:15 - suppose to BE at work at 7:00. I decided to email in that I wouldn't be making it. By the time I got into email my lovely Taske server was hiccuping - wouldn't you know it. An hour later and after responding to my boss's email wondering whether I was coming in today, I try to sleep with no success. I would just doze off and the pups would bark at something.

I feel better Thursday but have noticed a skin lesion on my hand and decide it is related to the cold virus. Internet surfing skin lesions is not for the faint of heart. There is some nasty snit out there - yucko! I believe I have Shingles. I am very lucky as my whole left arm was feeling weird but the lesion on appears on my knuckle. BUT it hits on everything.

I rode lightly. It is very warm for Mare right now and not having been worked since Saturday, I thought we should both ease back into it. She is shedding out - mixed feelings there believe me.

Life is still good but has its price . . .


Mama Pea said...

Ugh. Sounds like you have a super bad cold/flu/whatever. Take care of yourself so it doesn't get a stronger hold on you. Go to work, if you must, but then avoid every other stress you possibly can. The pups and horse may be bent out of shape for a while, but your health is important!

extremetj said...

Thanks Mama Pea!

It was horrible! Turns out the doc wasn't sure what the deal was with my skin on my arm. If it was shingles it was very mild. Since it was the weekend he gave me an RX in case it got worse. I opted not to fill and wait and see. He gave me some ointment for the weird thing on my knuckle. It seems to be getting better. I have now punctured it and scraped it really well so it looks even more disgusting!

It is nice to have energy and feel alive again :)