Unemployed and so far loving it!

I am in my second week of unemployment. A huge burden was lifted on April 1. The long wait was finally over. Hoping I can undo the damage. I have started an exercise routine, dog and horse training schedule.

Friends showed up for potluck and then cake at work. Happy hour afterwards. I had a great time. LH was kind enough to give me a ride home.

Within a few days I decided to take an additional month off. I am diggin' this!

Josie had her teeth floated and Spring shots given on Monday, April 5th. Her mane looks very sharp after being pulled. Her mane has never been so thick. The hair is coming off like crazy. I like to call it hair transference.

Smudgee is in her fourth week of Obedience I. She was referred to as the Star Pupil today. I glow with pride. I haven't been as good at practicing as I should. But hey! I am on vacation for two weeks then it will be time to knuckle down.

Pulled a bloated tick of Pix - GROSS! She seems to be fine now. I was told to put vasoline on it. I had tried rubbing alcohol and then an extinguished match - taking care not to blow her up. It wouldn't back out all the way. I did manage to get head and all. I have now applied Frontline to all the pups. Fingers were crossed with Smudgee's application but she tolerated it with no issue.

I have had to buy fat breeches and fat shorts. Quitting smoking is the priority. It is now the norm. I have a couple of weeks left of the Chantix. One wonders if that doesn't affect my weight also. I was going to start a boot camp but my back was out for about three days. Now I have been doing my floor work and when walking the dogs we do a little bit of running. Smudgin' needs to come of age before she can jog. She seems to run hot like Pix so she might not be a fan of jogging like her Mom. Time will tell.

We have a JRT fun day coming up and a trial next month. I decided not to show at the CCS Dressage show. Too much pressure for the Mare and Il Well more for me - the tests are new this year. I have them but just haven't taken the time to memorize.

We had a dog show at the barn. Wyatt was first (unleashed) and second (leashed). He got crazy for agility. It was just a U shape and he made it in 30 seconds with knocking down I think it was two jumps. He needs to do some grid work to improve his bascule. Pixie was a big hit with her Bang trick. I had taken care not to practice. I found she doesn't like to get dirty and won't do it with a jacket on. After the fact i thought of quite a few more tricks that may have made our placings better.

All for now. i will have to upload the notes I have taken.

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