It has been 11 days . . .

since I quit smoking. I did break down last Friday and had one. For me this is really awesome. I appear to be lucky and not have the bad dreams and feelings of depression others have had on Chantix.

I have way lost my temper twice though. At least I don't internalize - ha!

I noticed that Smudgin's ears have returned to normal. My theory that it was her molars seems valid.

Total Puppy is going well. She was a little leary of the tunnel this past Wednesday. I am glad I had climbed into the attic and brought down all my agiity stuff. The short tunnel I have is now set up in the bedroom. She is taking it just fine. We introduced heeling this week. She was a star! Her Look is getting better and better. Her recall in class was awesome. She was straining at the leash when the instructor was holding her for me to get across the room.

I don't know how the instructors deal with puppy class folks. Some just don't get it. One guy didn't even know his pup had taken a poop - he had even stepped in it. Be aware of your puppy. Interact with your puppy. Have fun with your puppy. One thing I have learned is I have to empty everything else out - the fact that she didn't down the last time I asked, that I have this and this to do. I like the zen place that's me and my dog working together.

Just when I thought Smudge was over her car attraction she lunges at one again. I will not be able to allow her any freedom like the other two if she keeps this up. I will not lose another dog to a car. Little Big Man was the worst as I had to carry his body in front of me on the horse for quite a few miles until we got home so I could bury him.

The fights have qwelled. I do not allow Smudge to get snarky with Wyatt. From watching she is picking fights with him even when no toy is involved. Well, little miss that is just not acceptable in this Jack Pack.

Josie pulled her shoe again! Same foot. ARGH!!!!!!!!

Life is good and it even smells better now . . .

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