Happy Graduation Smudgin!

Even though she was very naughty Thursday night, she graduated. Smudgee's trick was back up and then jump into my arms. Right now she jumps to my knee. Eventually she will jump straight up. Let me tell you White dog can JUMP! She as smashed into my face a few times in her exuberance.

Josie pulled her left front (this is a white foot). I thought we were doing really well with the supplements and all but NO! Grrrrr!

So far I lost 9 total pounds. Five in one week! Tells you how chubby I was. I gained one back on my weigh in Sunday. I am attributing this to weather too cold to move around outside. I know. I could have ran on the trampoline. I also started Chantix on Tuesday with a quit day of Tuesday, January 25 and that would be 2011.

The dogs have been having a few battle royals. This weekend's was the worst. Smudgin's underside of her ear was scratched slightly and the outside lower triangle had a mark. Please don't have a vet bill due to pack fighting, Kids! She is challenging Pix too. Pix has been more stern with Smudgin. I too have been doing my part.

Thank goodness this week the weather has been warmer. We have been going for walks again. I have lost the pound I gained and have been doing very well at quitting smoking.

Work has kept me busy. I came in during the three day weekend to meet vendors and then had a system problem on Monday. I put in enough time to take that Friday off - SWEET!

Trying not to think too much about how fast time is going by. March 31 is getting here quicker than expected. I am bummed as they have now moved the Go Live date to March 18. Doesn't give me a heck of a lot of time to work with the system. I hope they realize they do need a "Me" and keep me. I am not looking forward to being unemployed. My mind is a bit undecided as to what I want to do. I know I need to make enough money to support the kids. The savings from not smoking will be pretty big what with the price per pack. Although this will be offset by the increase in the price of gas. It went to $3.20 and is now holding at about $3.17. Bastards!

Friday night I went to the gun range. My very first solo. I was nervous but appeared cool. I had the kid go over the range rules just to be safe and asked about how to operate the target mover thingy. Bill's has a toggle switch where BV has a key pad. I like BV's much better. Bill's ripped my targets at the top. He told me if I hit the hanger that the target is on to let him know - I think he thought, "Oh, a girl. Won't be able to shoot." Later, I asked about cardboard - $2.00 per. I ended up spending $25 and went through a 100 rounds. I am extremely accurate at 15 feet and 21feet. When I get the target way out my accuracy takes a downward curve. I kept my last target to compare with last time and there is definite improvement.

Once when I had just finished shooting seven rounds, I happened to turn to see a guy had been watching me - I had put two bullets pretty much dead center - ha!

I told B of my adventures. He is my mentor in all things gun related. He said, "T, if you don't realize it by now, you are a really good shooter." You know me I like being the best at whatever I do - I swelled with pride.

Smudgin's Total Puppy Thursday class didn't have enough enrollment so we are switching to Wednesday at 6:30. I have to remember she will always be better at home and without distractions. She is way ahead of a lot of full grown dogs already so just have fun! Speaking of being way ahead. She is as tall as Wyatt! Go Legs! Go!

Josie hasn't had her shoe reset so I have been saving the gas money. I visited on Friday which was the coldest of the cold snap. I feel comfortable knowing J keeps an eye out on her.

I was really excited to attend the Janet Foy Clinic to introduce the new tests but NO! have to work. Oh, well. I have the Instructor's booklet. I better start memorizing.

Life is as good as it can be! Enjoy :)

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