Sunday, February 7, 2010

Been thinking (imagine that) about some of the troubles (minor) I have been having with Josie. Dr. Audrey was at the barn and we were talking about mares. She has no problem with her mares. She doesn't tolerate even ear pinning. I watched her working on a mare that had previously been very fractious. Striking out, biting and rearing while being adjusted. The mare wasn't so bad this time but I watched Dr. A give corrections and the mare responded well. When pain is involved that is one thing but still Dr. A said still they should not do things like that. Right then and there I decided to crack down on Josie. What I have worried about is her to other people. They don't know she is only going to lip. Her reaction to hair dryer and saddling has becoming increasing annoying (even though it is funny) and I want to avoid escalation and ground manners also translate into saddle manners.

Josie responded extremely well to the new determined me. She didn't react to other horses, she warmed up in 20 minutes instead of almost an hour. Look how much time I have wasted! While riding this way, I had an AH HA moment times 10! A realization that I do not ride determined. Hello, Terri! When does she settled down - when I ride determined. I am mentally kicking myself in the arse!!

Josie was obedient and very responsive. We worked on canter departs, trot/halts and halt/trot. She was soft in my hands and I had control of her within the trot. OMG! It was just wonderful. Once is luck, twice is skill. I cannot wait to try this tomorrow.

Saturday - Josie was respectful of the NDM (new determined me). It is funny how you get accustomed to things and then make a change and notice how much affect that little change has made and how much more enjoyable things can be. We again warmed up quickly. She did forget once and pinned her ears but immediately stopped her behavior when she realized she had gotten my NDM's attention. I rode through bits and pieces of the Training 2 test. The arena emptied and I was able to do the test in it's entirety. We have a few weak spots but I am very pleased with our progress. Darn it - didn't bring Josie a beer again.

I had J hold her while I got the pups from the rig so we could do a mini-trail ride. I was just beaming as we went down the lane. The pups were ecstatic and were running and playing. The as we were almost to the railroad tracks, Josie, with her supersonic hearing halted and began to grow. It dawned on me that when it is nice for us to trail ride, snowmobilers also think down the same track of thought. Yup! Now I heard them. Josie started to shake her head and get a bit antsy. Part of me, Chicken, thought slide off BUT, gosh I am loving her more and more, NDM said, NO! Stay on, you can do it! So stay on I did. I grabbed a bit of mane and put Josie in between all aids and asked her with them and verbally, "Josie, WALK ON!". She took an obedient step forward and I could feel the "But scary, loud, WTF is that coming!" going through her. She is thinking, "I must run, I am a flight animal". I repeated and she shook her head in a way that said, "I am going to go ballistic now". So I said, "Josie, NO! Walk on!" This time she took two steps and the snow mobilers were along the tracks which are on the other side of some bushes and up a grade putting them above us and quickly they are passing us. Chicken me thought, "Uh, oh, this is it she is going to dump us!" but my new bestest friend, NDM said, "NO! You have control, lighten your aids and ask for her to go forward again. YES, YES, YES we did it! The adrenaline rush came over me but I didn't have that crippling sensation. I felt supreme victory. I got Mare going forward again and decided to turn after fifty feet to get the hell out of there before the snow mobilers turned around or more came along.

I had figured Wyatt had high tailed it but he was with us as we went forward. I thought he would be under the rig waiting for us to return. Maybe he likes NDM, too. NDM can protect him from all eVil!

There is nothing that compares to this! My confidence has gotten a bit bigger similar to the Grinch's heart growing and growing. Soon it will be second nature to be NDM. This makes my heart soar like an eagle.

Sunday - most excited to finish chores and get to the barn. NDM wants to ride! I have had glimmers of needing this. It is becoming a good habit. I show up to ride like I use to. I am not a passenger, I am not a victim. Wow! Is this what other people feel like all the time? If you could bottle this or put it in a pill you could make million, no trillions!

The barn was packed so I waited a bit to get Mare. She came a running through the snow. See! She likes NDM, too.

We warmed up in good fashion. The arena was packed so I was easily able to determine if NDM was going to get 'er done! Oh, yes. She pinned, got her NDM reminder and didn't pin the rest of the ride. One of the mom's watching her daughter ride said, "You look like you are dancing.". NDM had Josie in front of the leg, on the bit, her tongue was wiping her lips, she was chewing the bit and responding to my every touch. Yes, that is what dressage is about. Oh, Josie you make me so glad.

We were trotting and changing within the gait, picking up canter (correct leads) at will. Our circles were circles! She moved off my right leg, straightened and then moved off my left leg. I was calling out rail or inside when circling, and just in charge of my ride. I LOVE NDM!!!

I received quite a few compliments on how well Josie was doing. This makes me very proud.

This was a ride that I didn't want to end. This was our BEST ride ever. If I get half of what I had today we will be in the 70%. Oh, I am just gushing! JOSIE You Are THE BEST horse! You always have been but now you are even better.

I pulled a little of Josie's mane yesterday and today. I have about two more small bags of carrots worth to get her looking real good.

NDM is good! Very good! I am hungry for more! (Can I have more !'s ?)


Mama Pea said...

I don't know diddly about horses but I can see how hard you work to do right by Josie and how hard you work to be better for her and for yourself. So much fun to read your entries when your proud, happy feelings jump right off the computer screen! You go, Girl!!

extremetj said...

Sweet Mama Pea! Thank you for your comments. I was hoping I was explaining horse stuff better since Chicken Mama questioned what I was saying a while back.

Thank you for reading my blog :)

Stay tuned for more adventures!