Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today is show day. I'm up before dawn, showering and even putting on mascara. The pups are aware and caught up in my excitement. I feel bad as I am leaving them for a very long time today but better to sit in the comfort of the den that is home than to sit in the cold all day in their canvas kennel.

Surprisingly, I am not feeling too nervous, more excited than nervous. I am looking forward to a great ride with the Mare. The drive goes by quickly as I plan my priorities to get ready. I get things organized so I am ready to load my gear in the trailer.

Josie barely finishes her breakfast of grain, gets a few bites of hay before I catch her and bring her to the trailer. She has no idea what is up but being the good mare she comes along willingly. As we wait for Dolly to finish her breakfast, I let Josie hoover up the hay pieces left from loading hay bags for the journey. A couple of times I had to keep the girl from loading herself. So nice to have a horse that actually wants to go in the trailer. We leave a bit ahead of schedule. This calms me a bit.

We get the horses settled in the stalls, hay fed and water buckets filled. Josie puts her nose into her hay and doesn't come up for air for a while. Not appreciated but I brush her while she eats. A fed Josie is a happy Josie.

I find myself focused and busy organizing my things and thoughts. Making sure I have what I need where I need it. I am first up out of our group with a ride at 10:55. Just a 10 minute warm up beforehand. To get Josie ready. Normally I would ride for 45 minutes but have lately succeeded in 20 minutes (thanks to NDM). A different location changes things. We had planned on leaving at 7:00 to use the hours before the show to warm up. Once the ride times were received we opted to leave later, use the 10 minute warm-up and first test as a warm-up.

I risked and asked for canter departs on both legs - check, practice a few downward transitions, turn on the forehand to remind her what my legs mean. Good.

My plan to use our first ride as warm-up would have worked but with ride times of 10:55, 12:09 and 2:28 you just have to take what you can. I had already decided to leave her saddled and just loosen and tighten the girth as necessary. She reacted very well to the arena. Satisfied with a big sniff of footing. These has become a habit with her at new locations. Hey! Whatever makes the girl happy. She found it acceptable. Does she remember being there before? The two far corners caused her to pause a bit but once passing things she was okay with it. I talked to her and told her what a good girl she was. Like I have to tell her!

Inside it was very warm. To Josie it was like going from winter to summer in 10 seconds. She is sweating just standing in the stall, let alone working. She is drinking very well so I won't worry about her.

My warm up focus is disturbed by some one's trainer in a very loud voice telling her student what to do and her loudness is interrupted by her equally loud cell phone. I do my best to deflect these irksome sounds. Focus on the mare, focus on breathing, relaxing and sitting up.

I decided to try something new this time. I took a swallow of Patron. A little shot of courage. For the first time the butterflies were barely there. I ride my test, just getting Josie relaxed and listening and not trying to force her into the bridle. I received six's, seven's and a couple of five's. Sarah's comments were "Very obedient pleasant horse! Just needs more swing over back and better acceptance of the bridle for more points on every movement - lateral bend will help you achieve this goal."

S is a fair judge. I agree with all of her judgements. I would rather have the truth and reality than sugar-coated scores. This ride was given a 59.57.

Was it the Patron or treating it as a warm up that made this be our best ride. Actually, no, because the next test had a couple of pilot errors, and a NO! I don't want to pick up a left lead canter.

I need to use a watch instead of my Blackberry or perhaps setting timers on my BB would be best. I missed a few minutes of my warm up for the next test. No worries. We get a four as Mare decided to blow off my left lead canter cue. I am surprised to receive a seven for our medium walk. Quite a few "hollow" remarks but got a great energy on our left lead canter (this was probably in response to Mare get your @ss into the canter - it took the short side to get it - naughty, naughty, naughty). I had my whip in my left hand to help with getting her off my left leg. Going from canter to working trot I waited too long realized my mistake and had an unbalanced transition. Our halt received a seven! Not square but straight.

We had 67.50 for 20 minutes or so to have it be reduced to 58.70 due to an error in calculation. Believe me I had been very happy with Josie and was SOOOOO excited to receive a 67.50. I had stepped outside and did a yahoo. I hadn't been a passenger but had been riding and trying to assist the girl and had a couple of unfortunate mistakes. Good thing I learn from my mistakes.

S's comments were "Nice position of the rider. Improve effectiveness - keep horse more forward and help her develop lateral and longitudinal suppleness to meet Tr. Lvl. objectives."

I was trying to get her more forward so I knew I didn't have what I needed. I have never received a "Nice position of the rider" and am most pleased with this as I have been working on this for quite a while. H mentioned that this was the best position of my upper body she has seen on me.

Back to waiting. This time I was ready too soon before my warm up time. Josie sweating in her stall appreciated the outing and the cooler aisle way. We are both excited to begin our next and final test. Funny how we mirror each other.

We were done in by a pee spot! Cantering away, using my inside leg and rein to turn, turn, turn and Josie's front left foot hits the spot and we slip. I gave her, her head and probably quit riding for that split second which all in all caused her to break - we got a 4 and we had been doing so well. Next, between E and K I was having trouble with my foot in the iron and lost it in the transition receiving another 5. We recover to finish with six's and a 7 on our free walk - nice activity and stretch. Then I space out to ask for a transition from canter to trot and end up making it unbalanced and early getting a five and we argue down the center line with her coming against my hand and haunches to the right receiving another five.

S's comments: Nice, obedient test. Increase roundness and consistency of impulsion for higher score. This time we got a 7 for our gaits and 6's for the rest - awesome!!

I rode for every point I got and was overall very, very happy with this test. Unfortunate pee spot and pilot error once again.

What a relief when all three of my rides are finished. I feel good with our progress. No butterflies after the first mild ones. I share a beer with Josie after our last ride. Coor's Light, not our usual Miller Lite. Josie didn't mind too much. Come to think of it I didn't either. She licked up her handfuls and then licked the back side of my hand to get every drop.

She was most pleased to have all tack removed. Mare you should really appreciate not having been saddled three times. We both look forward to returning home. We wait for the last rides of H and watch a lovely ride. I laugh as H encounters a different pee spot which Seamus proceeds to jump over. I think I will stick with my slip. Just goes to show you that things happen to even the best riders.

A asks me, "Why do we put ourselves through this?" I laughingly reply, "I just had that thought and my immediate next thought was . . . Okay! The next show is April 24, I have plenty of time to improve!" How funny is that! She then asked what tests will I do and after a moment's thought my reply is "I will stick with T1 and T2 until I can get the rides I get at home at the show". Then I will know I am ready to move on. Not to say that we can't work on bits and pieces of T3 and T4.

I then found out that out of 23 horses, Josie and I were seventh!!!! With some California split thing we are Reserve - just out of the ribbons. I am extremely happy with our day.

Josie loads and unloads well, eager to join her pasture mates and hoping for more hay after her good ride apple and homemade treats. Good job Mare and see you tomorrow!

I realize I have had a big grin for 30 miles as my facial cheeks begin to ache on the drive home . . .

Today was a MOST awesome day!


Mama Pea said...

Congratulations on the good work you BOTH did. That's got to feel good after all the hard work you've done! [Next time, how 'bout a whole beer for each of you? ;o)]

extremetj said...

Thank you Mama Pea!

Don't tell her but I had another beer that I didn't share with her.