Monday, January 5, 2008

As I can always be talked out of doing my workout, I went to the aid of M. With four cats you think there wouldn't be any issue with mice. M casts a wonderful tale of intrigue on her FB notes page. It is hysterical. I can barely stand in her writing shadow so i will just post pictures with a brief mention.

I arrive with the pups, excited to get an opportunity to hunt and show off the skills of my canine cohorts. We could get use to hunting indoors it is rather nice compared to below freezing and trudging through snow. Perhaps start a company - The Jackinators or Terriernators.

Wyatt searched high, low, over and under . . .

He initially found a very life like toy mouse. He was very proud and after being told how good he was, I sent him back on his search and seizure mission.

Pix was interested for a few minutes and then butterfly gal took over. She drank water, ate cat good, jumped on M and J . . .

We had decided to break for dinner after about a half hour (this house is HUGE!!) and let the mouse think all was clear. I went to get my jacket off the hook and looked down as Wyatt (ever the locator) is sniffing and real curious about a bag that was sitting below the coat hooks. Pix throwing caution to the wind and as always wanting the glory for herself, stuffed her nose behind the bag and had a mouse in her mouth before, I would normally say, before you could say beer but this time it was more before M finished screaming and running from the room, closing doors behind her. I tried to get the mouse from Pix and by the way she gave it up so easily, I knew it was already dead. Yes, viewing of the victim revealed cat-type wounds on poor mouse. He must have been mortally wounded and crawled behind the bag to die with dignity. M thanked us immensely (steak dinner mmmmmm) and was so happy to not have to worry about the mouse sneaking up and getting her or worst yet moving the bag to find it lurking or should I say decomposing there.

Pups wanting their find . . .

Not exactly the size of a Chihuahua as described to me . . .

Once again the world is made just a bit safer from vermin.


Lars said...

Just remember, that mouse had a mom and dad.

extremetj said...

Ya! And a million cousins. Our work has just begun.

extremetj said...

Ya! And a million cousins. Our work has just begun.