I Got This Now!

Later, on Birthday day I could feel my mood get a bit better. Monday, woke feeling MUCH better. I can be around people again :)

The highlight was the many birthday wishes on FB. PM had given me a bar soap that smells wonderful and a lemon add vodka and freeze thingy. Her card was the best - The Birthday Fairy is coming to make you a year old - BITCH!

Monday, I went to Josie and hung out with the barn peeps! Josie is filthy. I fed her an apple when I arrived and did a little inventory and then another when I left. There was a little excitement when Archie became separated from his rider and went galloping by on his way to the red barn. Rider was okay which is always a good thing. I miss riding sooooo much! I am tempted but sense tells me NO! Uber Mare is awesome but what if . . .

I seem to be paying for all those years of health :(

Not spending money on cigs gives me a bit more money to spend on the pups. Good thing as Smudgie newest toy the Rip N Tug, size medium started coming apart. This was our third play. I think this is manufacturing defect and am going to contact the company.

I emailed Ken McNabb and got a response the very next day. I was very pleased by it. They offered to send me, at no charge, two episodes which cover flying lead changes. He will be releasing something in a few months. Yeah!!!

Went to agility last night. Spoke with Dick, thanking him for his voicemail message about Smudgie's success at the show. I showed him the vids and then my walking cast. LOL! I told him I am a pretty tough cookie. We spoke about Smudgie's reaction to the show and how I am going to create a start and end routine. She will probably get better quickly.

Miles didn't bring the new puppy. Ten week old Sheltie he will be known as Sketchers. I might HAVE to go watch run throughs so I can meet him. He watched my runs from the show and offered some ideas. I finally remembered to bring the RipNTug. I think he could sew one. I have planted the seed. We'll see.

One of my classmates said that they would prefer that I bring Smudgie along :)  I said for her own safety I am not having her in the car while driving with the monster boot.

I am jealous of what they did in class - jumps along the wall with a tunnel. This would come in good for Gamblers. I did minor jump crew stuff as J was out ill.

I am reviewing 2X2 training and I will be able to do some of this in the garage. Smudgie and I worked on bottom. I am also reading Susan Garrett's book.

Week one and 3 days down!

Holding my own,


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