Wishing I were elsewhere . . .

Today we are getting mega snow. I just want to go play.

Friday, I ran for 2.1 miles. This is estimated off my pedometer. Run throughs Saturday by Sunday I was a hurting unit.

I need to warm up my muscles more. I had to walk a bit to get going. In time it won't be an issue. I think later of water was also a factor.

As suspected Wyatt was a nut at run throughs. He had an awesome time. I didn't expect much but the boy should sit and wait when told to. He also shouldn't yell at me but apparently this is dog for I am to f'n excited to do agility. I have alot of work ahead of me to get him to show level. I can't put him in class so will do what I can on my own. LB gave me some good ideas.

Saturday ride on Josie was AWESOME! She was a very good girl. I practiced some two-point and half-seat. My knee is no longer hurting - thank dog!

Adventures in hydrating - won't bother with pineapple. Tasty but too much work and it doesn't keep. Sirloin for sandwiches makes the BEST jerky. Ginger greatly improves the taste of the teriyaki.

JR has been shot for the second time on Dallas. We know this time he will not return - so sad.

Smudgie tried to boss Wyatt and got a bit bloodied. Paybacks girlie. He will do it (natural reaction) but he is scared after.

Refund has come and gone. Wyatt gets an issue on Control. The kids will be getting a new toy - Tippy Board. I am getting an agility show bag and a clipboard that I can use magnets to know a course and later copy it. An area within the clipboard to keep my info dry and together. So excited to get it. Hope the snow does not delay it.

Well, better get to work to support the kids in the manner they have become accustomed to.

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