Here is a link to Smudgie Weave Poles

It has been a long time coming but we have weaves folks. Dogs are not robots so everything is not always perfect. I am the handler so again everything is not always perfect. With Smudgie, I try very hard to act as if this is no big deal when we miss. Watching her she doesn't seem to notice. She is VERY happy. This video is running 12 weave poles. For the show we have coming up we will have to do 5 to 6. I am feeling good about it as long as I get her a good entrance. Me thinks I will be redecorating the living room with weaves for the next couple of weeks. Wy needs some practice too.

I am very pleased with her speed and her focus on me. You want fast and clean.We are getting better all the time. I need to remember that. At the beginning, I would have loved to have a day like yesterday and now I would love to have a session like last week. When it is right it is so good. Just call me Greedy McCreedy (this is a nickname for my dogs when they are greedy).

In agility the dog should view it as playing with their handler and having a fun game. No punishment - the word NO should not be used - this is very hard. I work on ignoring the errors and really jazzing the awesomes. Dogs follow your body language so if your hips are pointed at the tunnel and you are telling them to go to the jump, they are more than likely going to go to the tunnel. They pay attention to every detail - eyes, shoulders, waist and feet.

A little disappointed to find out the videos I had asked not be deleted from the Dog Works iPad had been deleted. So screw the middle man and bring your own iPad and beg someone to video you.

One of my goals has been accomplished! After watching Miles running Smudgie, listening to her squeal because she was getting left behind. I had decided that would be a great goal for me. Well, last night I heard her squeal in the tunnel. Oh my heart soared and is still soaring. How I love my little girlie girl.

I can't believe how chubby I have gotten.  Ya, the camera adds 10 pounds. Well, that is more than 10 pounds. I am blaming some of this on the big C. Took a lot out of me mentally - BUT I'M BACK! Thank goodness I am doing what I am doing. How heavy would I be if I didn't?!?! Again, I just can't believe it! I will have to scan one of my younger day, total babe photos. Still for my age, almost 53, I am not too bad and am doing more to get lighter.

Weave ya later!


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