Getting a routine . . .

A month off work has done wonders. I am probably the most relaxed person in the world. This is very easy while the paychecks are still coming in.

The perfect job came up through TekSystems but they decided they wanted someone who has worked with the equipment sooner than ten years ago. They are missing the entire package that is me. Oh, well not meant to be.

I have put away most of the crap I brought home. I even culled a little bit more.

Smudgee and I have started Performance Puppy. A way to train and build our relationship while we wait for her to be old enough to do agility. She gets scared easy. We start with a full minute of play. The first class we had started and we were playing very well when they added a distraction. One of those kid toys like a lawn mower that pops as it is pushed. She did not like that at all! We had to keep moving farther away, almost to the lobby, before she would play again. After class I spent time with her and that toy. She doesn't have a problem now. This week's class we did play time and she did well. The next item on the agenda was restrained recall - she totally blew me off and ran elsewhere. There I am trying to be the biggest party. LOL! Wyatt was never like that! We started two on and two off. In agility the dog has to put at least one paw in the contact area. For instance the teeter has contacts on either end. The instructor brought out the teeter. Smudgee was fine until a dog went across it and it banged down. She wanted to exit stage left so bad. She wanted to bark and growl at it and then the dog would make it bang again and she wanted O-U-T! I took her over to it before it was put away. I thought Wy as into self preservation. Smudgee has raised the bar. I have a feeling the Fourth of July will not be fun at all.

The pups have been enjoying long walks at the barn, swimming (so far Smudgin is only a wader) and rolling in indescribable things. Smudgee puts the dodge on when we get home as she is not the biggest fan of baths. Last night was a close call, she made it out of the sink onto the counter.

Josie must have got wind we were having a schooling show. She pulled a shoe last Monday (black right front). I should have told her we weren't going to be in the show. Ernie was having truck troubles and didn't make it out all week. She got her shoes done on Thursday this week.

After getting her mess of a tail sorted out, I led her to the indoor and had a wonderful bareback ride. I braved a few canter strides but couldn't quite trust her after so much time off and bad footing for her.

I went to the Horse Expo but wasn't really impressed by the speakers and everything has glitz and glitter - not me.

Josie has been styling her tail, a combination of dreads, braids and mud beads. I had washed and banged it to avoid this. I am a fan of leaving her be for the most part but will be trimming her leg feathers the next chance I get.

This weekend my little girl dream of working at the track comes through. I will be helping Chris on weekends. Trial basis for the dogs to stay at Lisa's. I see Smudgee as being the weak link for this. It is totally worth giving it a try.

Well, off to another busy day. Living large!

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