Ghosts of posts past or blog catch up

Smudgin has been more and more consistent at ringing the bell to indicate she needs to relieve herself. Not to say we don’t have accidents from time to time. The last accident was a bit rude on her part. I have two round dog beds on the couch. I was distracted doing something and look over to see the little snit in an all too familiar position on Pix’s pink bed. Oh, Smudgee!

I have a three day weekend and hope to hear the lovely tinkle of bells and not the icky tinkle of puppy tinkling.

The 19th she will be four months old. I am so looking forward to the loss of those needle teeth.

With her new found jumping on the chair ability she has grown very mischievous. I do not let her out of my sight. One of my To Do’s this weekend is to puppy proof a bit higher up. If anybody is going to try for the counter it will be her. She made the jump from my rocker/recliner to the couch. That is about a three and a half or more foot spread – I was delighted at her prowess but momentarily concerned about her joints but figure soft to soft was okay.

I have managed a few rides which have been amazing. I am sporting a small pinch bruise on my forearm from a naughty nip. She has been very good about her nipping for quite a while. Perhaps the lack of attention and work has manifested thusly. She is looking very good. If you will remember last year she lost the tip of her ear and I had no idea what happened. Well, it happened again but thankfully she retained her cute ear tip. She must be pushing it with the other horses at the hay feeder. My little imp does not like to back down.

Experienced one of the biggest snowfalls during my years here in Minnesota. Saturday night I strapped on my snowshoes and hit the snow. The first quarter to half mile I was dinking with the poles. The lowest part would shorten. As usual a little slow on the uptake I finally figured out the different areas to tighten and awayyyyyy I went. I sunk up to high thigh a few times. Thankful for the poles to help me out of it. I learned walking on the top of the plow piles where the sidewalk would be. I wore my tinted goggles and had a very blonde moment when I questioned the fact that everybody was driving with their parking lights on and no head lights. Well, it dawned on me it was the tint of the goggle lens. Duh!

Smudgin got her Rabies and last shots for a while. Yeah! Last puppy class she was asked to play with the big pups. She spent a few minutes dodging Franklin – a hairy basset hound looking pup. Some how Franklin was distracted and Smudgee made a beeline for the border collie pup. They tore around a bit and the BC decided Smudgin was a bit more dog than she was. Next, the Smudginator was taking after the goldens and Eskimo pups. Ya! She is holding her own now. Now that is puppy play time. Looking forward to next weeks play time.

I am finally ready for some range time. Glocked and loaded! I need to clean it first and then it is bang bang time. I am amazed how involved the entire process is. Even down to purchasing ammo.

We are in the warm cycle. Warm leads to snow which leads to snow and again and again. I took the pups with to the barn for a much needed run. Smudgin’s recall is coming along wonderfully. She looks up to Wyatt which comes in handy. She tags after him while Pix dashes off and about. Having better control over Wyatt eases my nervousness about letting Smudgin off leash.

Smudgee was submissive to the Cross Creek Pack. She is fitting in better. I did notice a scratch on the top of her right eye – no idea how that happened.

Colder weather has prevented me from bringing the pups to the barn. I stillhave been remiss about riding. Gonna work on that.

January 1, 2010

I brought the New Year in the best way I know how, by riding.

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