I am a Survivor - I will survive this . . .

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 I was told I would no longer be employed as of March 31, 2010. I have always wanted to know but really knowing has upset me. I mainly have a handle on it but it has been tough. TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST . . . TOUGH PEOPLE DO! I am not myself right now and I don't like that. Wy is worried the pack is doomed. I am a bit concerned myself. I have stated and will state again under no circumstances will I lose Josie. I will do what ever I need to do.

I have been making lists and thinking of what I can do to survive. I would get severance but received no offer of stay pay which means I don't have to stick out until March. Although the money would be nice what are my odds of finding a job in 20 weeks? I have placed a call to my recruiter but it has been two days now. Time to follow up with him. I just want to see how the market is, are the openings for my skill set? I have to figure out what to do so I can ease my stress level.

I was already worried about Josie. She had an abscess on her left front at the coronet band. This is a good place as it resolves quickly. The clouds of mosquitoes and hoards of flies are not helping though. I had Dr. B out to check her - yup abscess. Bute and soaking and a major change to how she is trimmed. I have decided to treat her externally and internally to get more hoof growth so the farrier has more to work with and we can totally resolve her little cracks. The best I have been able to do is get is a quarter inch or more from the coronet band.

Feeling sorry for myself was not a good time to place an order with SmartPak. I only went to order Biotin II for Josie, really I meant to . . .I will be replacing my current worn out Ariat freebee bag with the Ariat Gear bag and a couple smaller items. I should be a professional horse and rider tack shopper. I would be awesome!

So I have a smile on my face and hope in my heart.


Mama Pea said...

Sending lots of hope and wishes that things turn out really well for you and your "kids." You have the right attitude and that goes a loooonnng way for attracting good things. You ARE a survivor and strong to boot, so I know you'll be okay when the dust settles. Just okay? Heck, FANTASTIC!

extremetj said...

Thanks Sweet Mama Pea! Keep the positive vibes coming :)